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Dating Mile Markers Conversation Cards

Your Roadmap to a Stronger, Deeper Connection!

Whether you're single, dating, engaged, or married, our Dating Mile Markers Conversation Cards is the perfect way to spark meaningful conversations and deepen your connection. Designed to complement the insights in our Relationship Road Map book, this engaging card game encourages open, honest, and fun dialogue, helping you navigate the journey of love, commitment, and partnership.


Stephen Chandler is the senior pastor of Union Church based in Maryland. Since 2011, Union has grown from a group of fifty to thousands of people in weekly attendance, with tens of thousands joining live online every week.

Stephen’s obsession with people, systems, and culture resulted in Union Church being named the fastest-growing church in America by Outreach magazine. A sought-after international speaker, he is unapologetic about helping leaders maximize their God-given passion.

Stephen’s true legacy is his wife, Zai, and their three beautiful children, Zoe, Roman, and Jade.


Stephen Chandler is the lead pastor of Union Church in DMV. He brings powerful, inspiring, and thought-provoking messages Below you can access all of the recent messages.

Tune in live on Sundays at 8:30am | 10:15am | 12pm | 1:45pm | 8pm | 11pm EST

The Builders Network exists to empower you to push your calling to its ultimate limit. Through workshops, conferences, and one-on-one coaching by Pastor Stephen Chandler, you’ll be more equipped to lead your organization.